Failures – Part and Parcel of life

You will fail, you will fall

But never forget to rise over this all

You will stumble, you will feel lost

But remaining there will have a huge cost

You can pull yourself from dust to stars

You are the one who can flaunt your scars

Everyone fails – some openly and some in secret

All you need to remind is – make yourself sweat

Sweat a little more in your dream’s desire

Burn yourself a little more in that burning fire

You will be through all of it!

Success isn’t just about achieving things rightly – but it is also about the journey you went through! You will always cherish those achievements which were more of a challenge rather than the ones which came placed in your plate! To the ones with huge dreams – hard work isn’t an issue – but sometimes all you need is a little push to grow better, to think healthy and to get up and press the restart button!

Stay Active, Stay Focused!!

I was just lazing on the sofa waiting for mom to get me the evening coffee after cancelling the plan of me making coffee for everyone just because I had to get up and walk all the way through hall and pull things down to make coffee and get it for all. In short, I was lazily just turning myself in every way possible to fit in on the sofa with all soft toys. The steaming hot tea cup finally managed to blow off the chilled attitude of mine and I switched the TV to get some updates on the pandemic. And while random switching I came across this interesting news, rather a short snap story of couple in drought prone region of Maharashtra, this couple who may be stood in their early 40s, managed to dig a well 25 feet deep without any heavy machinery. They started from the day; the Prime Minister announced the nation to be locked down. And within less than a month they dug this well which now not only had enough water for this family but also enough water to feed their cattle and neighbours.

And I just got a “KICK”, like these people whom we so called refer as villagers or the less learned people have utilized their time much more effectively then we as civilized and extra learned people do. I just took a quick look back to what we do here in cities since the lock down was announced! And realized – the students who had their exams find reasons like the atmosphere is too negative and we cant focus on our studies, the newly qualified who are yet to find jobs have seen enough series on Netflix and Amazon, scrolling whatsapp, posting old pics on Instagram with captions like “Life before lockdown” and the way we have wasted our 20-25 days is just pathetic. Listening to the story of this couple I actually got charged like – Bro, if these people can make their way through difficulties we too can. Yes the lock down has affected us mentally but then we can be our own motivators rightly!!

Let us take charge of our own selves! Every effort in right direction is going to be a task towards betterment of the economy which will help our global family to get out of the crisis. Stay home and be creative. Every one surely will have something in addition. Stay focused Stay Home and Stay active.

close up photo of black ceramic mug
Photo by Olenka Sergienko on

Educating Footpaths!!!

“In learning you will teach and in teaching you will learn!”

Feels proud to share with you small efforts taken by my friends towards a better tomorrow. Under the Hope House, we all gathered as per our convenience and free time to teach the children on the footpaths. The ones who are less privileged and cannot afford schooling were taught to be a part of the civilized society. Experience of which was beyond imaginations. The smile on their faces and the eagerness to learn new things was something that made our Sundays much brighter and better! It was much memorable Sunday then simply spending it on Netflix series or at a theatre. We could feel the smiles connect and heart dance in happiness when the little things we did made up the day to the innocent kids.

All in their wee morning moods were surprised that they were gonna learn something new! All were inquisitive and curious about getting aware about formal education through open schools. Kids out were all from slum areas, living in open, some picking up rags and a few others just making a living by cleaning the cars or polishing the shoes!

The way they clinged us and sat down to learn made us really believe in the thought that “One child, One Book, one teacher, one pen and few thoughts can make miracles happen!!”

I thank Pranav, Sairaj and the entire team to promote such activities and make world a better place to live in! Friends try reaching to such foundations or NGOs in your free time, you need not help financially, instead you can simply give in your time – because that can be biggest donation in today’s time!!!

Smile and spread smiles

Happy New Year 2K20!

 A gift-wrapped box having 12 months… more than 50 weeks and 365 new chances to make better mistakes!!

New year Resolutions! New year Goals! New year – this and new year that!! So many plans on day one and not to anyone’s surprise its hardly 5-6% that stays till the year end! A few might break tomorrow morning – because winter mornings are better in the cozy blanket then the gym!!

What are my new year plans!? Resolutions!? Goals!?

Its as complicated as simplest thing…

But then would love to share the foundation of my plans for myself this here! May be ones without any plans do get one – So 2020 is not only start of new year but also start of new decade!

What I have figured out after being on this planet earth for a more than 2 decades now and seeing the century change from 1900’s to 2000’s!!! (Oh wow! It sounds so matured – which of course is just a fake candid writing – if such term exists for writers!)

Give in your 100% in everything – not only happy things but also things which make you sad! (shocked – but then yeah that’s it!) When you laugh with all your muscles getting stretched and you rolling on the floor why can’t you cry out as loud as you throw out all the discontent!? Why is that only your pillow knows that you cry or the washroom tap hides your weeping sound! Enjoy crying as well! (I know new year – first day – and its so very depressing to speak about the tears stuff! But then come on we can face it right!?) I will be myself this year – I will make myself a better me! I don’t want perfection at first sight but I promise myself to make better mistakes and learn out of it! If I take up a task, I put in the best efforts to complete it in the best possible way I could do that!


And the next and last thing thought is – be the hope! Be human!! Feel for people and not for machines! Drop by drop fills a mighty ocean! And so is the race of humanity – let it start from small efforts and make world a better place to be in!


Rest – goals for the year are always high – be a better professional, exercise daily! Do this and do that! But then that’s on everyone’s list! This was somethings that I found unique on first page of my diary! Do share if you have something happening like this! You never know who gets inspired by you!!



You are reflection of your surroundings!

You’re just an imitation of what is around you, its just that you don’t imitate one person; you take bits and pieces of hundred people and make yourself

I was small when my mum always had a concern of all the tiny heads which would flock in our house to play, laugh, complete homework and enjoy the best days of life. It wasn’t the mess we created in and around that dreaded her, it was the children coming home, their upbringing and their culture in which they were brought which was her concern! She was very keen on choosing the right people as friends and I always had a grudge as to its okay whosoever they are! I just play with them and will not be influenced with any of their habits! But then entering the house without a brief introduction of my friends was next to impossible!

Now when I started analysing things myself and knowing the psychology behind her worried eyes, I totally agree to her! You are known by the company you keep! Not because it’s a saying! But because your brain constantly snaps images of the attitudes – be it good or bad of all the people you surround with. These small snaps taken slowly and steadily start throwing impression on our personality! And to be checked out in practise – take an example if your boss is in a grumpy mood and you happen to be the target point as soon as you have taken your seat early morning. You are thrashed and abused in hard words in front of a few colleagues, later you take the same grumpy vibes to the cafeteria which is simply carried ahead to your kids waiting back home. So, you see, you gradually become the way you receive vibes! You read a positive quote and you are all filled with motivation. Atleast for the next few days you work with a new energy and focus!

So, it’s simple – I vibe, your vibe… WE VIBE. Be surrounded with positive people, the optimistic ones, those which send you a positive energy! Those who allow you to be a little better than your best version


Don’t focus on the destination, enjoy the journey!

Having a conversation with millionaire who was in his early 70s, verbal sketch was something like – a wrinkled face with a sparkle and a glow flowing out, attire he worn was perfect for a business class meeting (though he was retired man), head covered with dove white silky hair (as if one could play the find-black-hair challenge), hands shivering but still the handshake was firm enough to understand the throw in his personality, he stood all straight without a stick, very meticulously he had a choice about everything – be it what he wore, what he read, what he ate and so on and so forth! Impressed by the way he presented himself to me! I actually looked upon this young-old man to throw light on topics like life, career, future, goals and stuff and initiated the conversation.

And there this man had a crisp to explain me these things – which normally sound as rocket science for teens and a big fat topic for parents to such teens! He just had summarized in words which meant that love what you do! Without the fear of what will be the result. The more you get result oriented, the more mechanical you are. The more you tend to fit yourself in a strict format, the more you happen to be machine. The more you get into stuff of pulling eggs in one basket, higher are the chances to topple and break a few.

He had his view explained right with an array of examples – he asked me to climb the morning in wee morning hours and then notice the way the sky changes it colours from dark night black to beautiful golden orange. The cold breeze that kisses you all the while you push yourself to the top. The silent darkness turning to the chirpy morning. Once you reach the highest point, the journey is over and you arrive to your destination, the view from the top is treat to your eyes because you have seen the canvas of sky with the most beautiful shades, you had felt the chilled morning travel its way through to the first ray of morning. The destination seems better and journey wont tire you even through its longest route if you simply learn to live the process and not the results.

And wow! How impressed I was to acknowledge this thought while recollecting the biggest of my achievements! You too can take it as an assignment! May be while cooking or while on your way back home or while on a walk, think of your biggest heights you reached and you will realize the result gives you satisfaction and sense of completeness but the minute you find yourself smiling acknowledge the memory you just recalled which was a part of the journey you travelled!


Incredible things happen when you commit

Commitment – a high voltage word! Your partner asks you a commitment in your relationship, you boss asks you the same for your job, your team asks for it on the field and so on and so forth.

But have you wondered what of you fall short in what you actually commit – you lose… you simply lose your respect, your value your position; but then is it easy to commit!? No, not all rather! Had it been easy to commit why would the repercussions be so hard.

When you say you commit a thing – you mean that you are ready to devote your entire energy on that stuff! You mean that you will stand up 101st time even if you fall a hundred times! So, there falls your answer – Why incredible things happen when you commit yourself to it! It happens because you dedicate the best phase of you to the task not just to complete it, but to complete it in a way which shocks your own self. You commit when you desire to watch things beyond perfection.

Plan your plans

“Always be careful of where you run to. When the going gets tough, take it easy and slow down, else you venture into the den of lions.” Just wait and take time to observe what the nature has to tell you. Everything need not be perfectly as per your plan everytime but yeah you cannot blindly step into things without plan at any time!!! Before taking a giant leap just stop to notice that what and how the small steps taken will help you to stand out better and brighter. Take every step cautiously be it in terms of academics, social, personal or any other genre.

“Don’t ever step in the market unprepared and unplanned

Make it a point to give your best shot, with proper plan and preparations

You might be slow to reach your goal, but definitely you will stay there longer and stronger”


Golden Jubilee

That day of the year where there are thousand plans made and rejected to make the day super special! Yeah, it is Dad’s Birthday!

So my 50 year young man has added one more year with memories of adventures, fitness, smiles inspiration, consistency, joys and the list goes on and on!

You are my favorite – Not because my every need is fulfilled by you! But because of ample reasons like (These are just a few reasons out of the list which will never find its end)

Because my every tear is wiped off and replaced by thousand smiles

Because my every problem finds a solution in the treasure of your experiences

For the way you stand with me in my every blunder

For being my savior when mumma is all set to set me fire!

For being the only hope I look upto when things fall apart

For being my early morning tea partner

For the ice creams in chilly winters which heats up Mumma’s temper

For being the ever green inspiration to work hard

For being our brother, friend, the teddy bear we literally trouble out like hell

For being our Make-up Model

For all those Sundays filled with “Chowpaty Bhel”

For being my student (learning ABCD and Twinkle Twinkle after reading books on entire anatomy and physiology!)

For being my partner in wee morning study hours

Papa, you are truly a king not only for the way that you have treated your daughters is no less than princesses! But for the royalty you teach us in our speech and actions! For the humanity you instilled in us from childhood, for the values and virtues that were inculcated in us to make us a better human being.

Whatever we stand and proudly achieve each day it is because of you and Maa! Thank you for being such a huge support system which has seen us break, cry, step back but has always motivated us to fight back with an attitude that yes, we can do it! Thank you for making us hungry for success and still being balanced if our hard work failed!

The day marks a really special one for all of us!! Wishing you very Happy Birthday. May the year ahead be filled with joys, success, smiles, happiness, prosperity, love and of course good health. May the year be as active as your cycle and unstoppable like you!


At Bibwewadi branch with entire staff!

WICASA meri Jaan!

Tu hai meri Shaan

Pehchaan tujhise se iss CA ki duniya mai banayi

Mushkilon mai aage badhne ki Himmat bhi tujhise paaayi

I joined Pune WICASA with borrowed formals! Yeah! The day of election was unplanned opportunity knocking my doors through an intermediary named Miss Hemangi Kothari! WICASA and its committee never attracted me as I was unaware of the unexplored doors one can break open here! It was one of the best and quickest decisions of life! And I thank Hemangi as well as Rajesh Sir for shortlisting my name from the hundreds of options available.

So tenure started with boom – we had daily seminars, then we arranged for Sports League, Pune WICASA MUN 2018, Jallosh 2K18, Star of Galaxy and the events had just no end. All that got tested in this was the creativity level of the entire team and our skills to reach all students!

All those late evening meetings, those arguments in committee members, the ups and downs through out did pay us when we won the FIRST PRIZE for best students association in large category!

This being a joint effort of every single person, I would thank Rajesh Sir, Figgy, Hammy, Raj, Sai, Dhananjay, Aadi (and entire ex-committee), all our volunteers, Deepak Sir, Reshma Madam (for being on tip toes at any point of time we asked for help), Accounts team (for clearing our reimbursemnts in spite of delays, Kaka and Kaku, Vinayak Dada, Manoj Dada, Swapnil Dada, entire teaching and non-teaching staff at Phadke Sankul (special one to Sanket Sir to make us aware what students want), all our faculties and every single person behind the stage who constantly worked hard to help us achieve this huge success!

The committee at our capital – New Delhi to receive the award