Are You Emotionally Stable?

Stability – we run for financial stability, we run for stable house, stable family life…stable this stable that!!! But what about emotional stability, do we ever concentrate on that, rather do we even take a pause to think about that???

What is emotional Stability?

It simply means that you are synchronizing your thoughts with your actions in such a way that they contribute to the betterment of your soul!!! It means developing such lifestyle where there is harmony in what you do and what you speak!

How can you be emotionally stable?

  1. Learn to speak what you think?

It is better to speak right in front then to sit and back bite! Back biting helps no one, not the person about whom you speak neither one self nor the ones to whom you recite the entire conversation. Say for example – There is a person at your workplace whom you are not comfortable with but somehow you cannot express that to the respective person, you sit and blab ill things about that person during your lunch time outcome of which is you spread negativity everywhere, harming your own mental health!

  1. Either change the things you cannot accept or accept the things you cannot change:

There are only two options either you accepting the situation or you changing the situation, when you try sticking in middle is the time when you create pain for your own self! You get disturbed and spread the same vibrations of imbalance everywhere you go!

  1. Be choosy!

By saying be choosy, I mean to say evaluate all your choices in every possible way! Be selective in the friend circle you sit, the attire you wear, the places you visit, the words you use each and every small thing counts when it comes to sum up things about you as a person! Learn to choose things you want to do and things you want to avoid.

  1. Say no to negativity!

Keep yourself surrounded with positive people who have big dreams and are ambitious. Keep yourself into positive actions. In case situations do not allow you to have a positive outlook, try being neutral. Stop cribbing and start acting to solve problems. Things happen the way you think about them. If you have positive attitude of completing a task it will be done and vice-a-versa.

  1. Master your emotions

Cry when you feel like crying, not when people make you cry. It depends upon you when to react and how much to react. Not everything needs to be responded, few things can be ignored right away!

If you achieve success here, then no hurdles are too high for you. A healthy mind generates more output then a clever brain!

amazing balance blur boulder
It isn’t the stress that makes us fall, It is the way to respond to that stress that makes us fall!! and that is when emotional Stability comes into light!!!


Smile and Spread smiles!!!

4 thoughts on “Are You Emotionally Stable?

  1. These are really great guideposts! I’m going to print this out to remind myself.

    My one problem is that I wish my partner would get on board with #2, but obviously, if I’m following #2, I can’t try to force her. 🙂

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